Larkin and Larkin Bloggin'

Custom Skirts for Friends

A friend from my hometown reached out about a custom skirt. I was able to work within her budget so she could get not one, but TWO, custom skirts! A...

Custom Skirts for Friends

A friend from my hometown reached out about a custom skirt. I was able to work within her budget so she could get not one, but TWO, custom skirts! A...

Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday! Photo hits from back in the day through last week. Basically a place for me to make space on my camera roll ;-)

Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday! Photo hits from back in the day through last week. Basically a place for me to make space on my camera roll ;-)

Amazing Beautiful Stories of Jackets That Found Their Perfect Human Part 1

Amazing Beautiful Stories of Jackets That Found...

At the Haight Ashbury Street Fair this year, a dad came in to my booth and was drawn to this jacket for his teenage daughter. He went to the ATM...

Amazing Beautiful Stories of Jackets That Found...

At the Haight Ashbury Street Fair this year, a dad came in to my booth and was drawn to this jacket for his teenage daughter. He went to the ATM...

Favorite Rainbow Scarf Customer Photos

Favorite Rainbow Scarf Customer Photos

Back in the winter of 2010/2011 when I was living in Providence, I found myself with a bunch of random small balls of leftover yarn during a small blizzard. I...

Favorite Rainbow Scarf Customer Photos

Back in the winter of 2010/2011 when I was living in Providence, I found myself with a bunch of random small balls of leftover yarn during a small blizzard. I...

Best of Bucky Emoji Muse IG Stories

Best of Bucky Emoji Muse IG Stories

Basically my favorite new hobby of 2017. Get at me if you want a custom portrait. 

Best of Bucky Emoji Muse IG Stories

Basically my favorite new hobby of 2017. Get at me if you want a custom portrait. 

Custom Malcolm X Jacket Number Two

Custom Malcolm X Jacket Number Two

Rocky of Wolffoot and Bearpaw saw the custom Malcolm X jacket I did for my friend Miles, and just had to have one of her own! So I made a...

Custom Malcolm X Jacket Number Two

Rocky of Wolffoot and Bearpaw saw the custom Malcolm X jacket I did for my friend Miles, and just had to have one of her own! So I made a...